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Showing posts from 2023

2024 is the Year I Prioritize Self Care

It has been a while since I have been on this blog! I decided to bring it back for a little while to post about my first challenge of 2024. I decided that 2024 is going to be the year where I take care of myself first. It has been a couple of years of intense stress for many reasons, and I really need to think about taking care of myself more. I've decided for my New Year's resolutions this year to try and do a different challenge each month to try and become healthier in a different way. So this doesn't just mean diet or exercise, but things like getting adequate sleep and keeping myself out of stressful situations. My challenge for January is twofold: I'm going to do a salad a day challenge for the entire month of January where I will have a salad of some type every single day. This does not mean that I'm going to have lettuce every single day, there are lots of salads that don't have lettuce at all, but I'm going to have some type of salad eve