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Vegan "Egg Salad" Recipe

I think I may have perfected my vegan "egg salad" recipe!


1 block of firm or extra firm tofu
1/4 cup Just Mayo (or other vegan mayonnaise)
2 tbsp yellow mustard
1/4-1/2 cup diced white onion
1-2 dill pickles diced (or 1-2 tbsp sweet pickle relish if you like sweet pickles)

Mash up the tofu and mix together all the ingredients until they are thoroughly mixed. It tastes best if it is let to sit in the fridge for several hours to give the flavors time to meld.

Serve on bread, rice cakes, with pita chips... However you most enjoy your "egg" salad!

Makes four servings

If you like this recipe, check out my Instagram where you can see my daily food posts! @knittingopera


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