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Showing posts from February, 2021

The Two Towers Marathon

Day two of the marathon started early! I woke up two hours earlier than I normally do to get everything in the oven and on the stove. I put all the food for the entire day in the oven at the beginning... Don't do that! Wait until after the second movie is finished to put in the food for the third our it will dry out! I am a huge fan of Edoras/ Rohan/ Everything To Do With This Movie, so I was super excited to begin!  The Two Towers started off with salt... Not the best way to begin the day, but we soon washed it down with lembas! This was my favorite of the lembas recipes, but it got tough in the fridge and dry when toasted again. Make this the day you wish to eat it! The Orcish "medicine" we used was Hot Chocolate from @spiceandtea that I won in a giveaway in December... It was much better than whatever Merry drank! The iconic "meat's back on the menu, boys!" scene was filled with yummy foods! @noe

Return Of The King Marathon!

And then there's The End Of All Things...  The third movie has very little eating and much more fighting. We started off with Gollum eating another raw fish, so I brought the tofu with seaweed back out. Lembas, the Third! This was the peanut butter based one and it was fabulous! When the riders from Helm's Deep reach Isengard, the hobbits are sitting there eating, drinking, and smoking all of Saruman's wares... So we had hummus, carrots, and celery! We drank some @adagioteas fandom blend Pride and Prejudice tea to honor the fallen at Helm's Deep... It was delicious! Then we come to the truly memorable meal that I've dubbed Denethor's Dinner Of Doom: grapes, tomatoes, wine (we drank cranberry juice), and chicken (@noevilfoods )... This has got to be one of the most heart wrenching moments in the movie (very different from the books BTW) and I love it! Eat those tomatoes with grim determinatio

Fellowship Of The Ring Eat-athon

Fellowship Of The Ring Eat-athon, Part One! (We are pacing ourselves with small portions... It's the reason for the half apples or cupcakes!) We begin with a hobbit chomping into a cake! We started by eating half of a vanilla cranberry cupcake! And there's a number of times tea is made in the Hobbiton, so go ahead and make a whole pot (we drank this lovely Earl Grey blend from @adagioteas fandom blends) Bilbo Baggins turns 111! So we eat the other half of the cupcake! Merry eats an apple to look nonchalant while stealing fireworks with Pippin. After seeing some elves in the forest, Sam can't sleep on the hard ground and eats some bread in the middle of the night... My kind of hobbit! Then, as we make it to Bree, we see Peter Jackson take a huge bite out of a carrot... We had baby carrots😂 Pippin's infamous Second Breakfast scene gives us another opportunity to eat an apple!

LOTR Movie Marathon Prep Work

So, we decided to do an epic eat-athon... Now what? First thing we decided to tackle was lembas, the elven way bread that is purported to fill the stomach of a man with just a small bite. There are a ton of recipes online for this tasty (or very plain, depending on the recipe) traveling staple. Surprisingly, many of the recipes are vegan as well! (There's a misconception that elves are vegan or vegetarian. In the books it talks about them eating meat.) I decided to make three different recipes for the three different times we will be eating lembas during our marathon (one time per movie, as it so happens). The first recipe comes from (what a name!) This recipe I think would be most in line with an actual recipe for cram. It's also the most simple I've found. To make it vegan, I substituted Earth Balance vegan butter and brown sugar instead of honey. The resulting dough was very sticky and I had trouble rolling it out without it sticking to t