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Return Of The King Marathon!

And then there's The End Of All Things... 
The third movie has very little eating and much more fighting.
We started off with Gollum eating another raw fish, so I brought the tofu with seaweed back out.
Lembas, the Third! This was the peanut butter based one and it was fabulous!
When the riders from Helm's Deep reach Isengard, the hobbits are sitting there eating, drinking, and smoking all of Saruman's wares... So we had hummus, carrots, and celery!
We drank some @adagioteas fandom blend Pride and Prejudice tea to honor the fallen at Helm's Deep... It was delicious!
Then we come to the truly memorable meal that I've dubbed Denethor's Dinner Of Doom: grapes, tomatoes, wine (we drank cranberry juice), and chicken (@noevilfoods )... This has got to be one of the most heart wrenching moments in the movie (very different from the books BTW) and I love it! Eat those tomatoes with grim determination!
A lot more death and destruction happens, gollum throws away their last lembas (I ate some to honor the loss) and then we don't eat anything at all until we're back in the Shire and Sam and Rosie get married! A true returning to the beginning of this tale.
That's the end, folks! Thank you for following along with me! And a huge thank you to Nate Crowley who came up with this mad idea! 

Things I would change next time: 
*smaller portion sizes! I've been eating leftovers all we'll and I've still got stew and four pieces of peanut butter lembas left. 
*plan more breaks! We planned three each movie, but took about 12... It took us double the time the films run to actually finish them. Which leads me to...
*Spread those movies out! We did it in 2 days instead of 1, but next time I would do one movie per day, just to make the cooking easier.

Overall, this was the most fun I've had in months! 100% will do this again!

#thereandsnackagain #lotr #moviemarathon #lordoftherings


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