Aka: almost done and getting a little sick of looking at the same foods all the time Sunday's food! Sunday: my dad bought me spring rolls again, so that's another $5.99 spent from my budget. They were really delicious, and it was good to have some fresh veggies in my life. There was also food at church, but it was gumbo, Caesar salad, cheese cubes, and king cake... So I could only eat rice. It was kinda depressing because I was starving by 1:00. I think because of that I ended up eating way too many crackers (the whole box... Oops). Monday & Tuesday I ate so much this week... I think I was getting sick of eating the same things over and over again... Tuesday & Wednesday On Wednesday I stopped at Racetrack And bought myself a giant coke icee and two 50 oz bottles of water... I was nearly falling asleep driving and this was my way of staying awake: sugar, caffeine, and fluids. Wednesday & Thursday & Friday I tried some new je...